Friday, July 07, 2006

The view from Espana...

These are a few of the other students and tappas, the funny mini spanish dishes that is the norm here for supper!

These are a few pictures of the old baths as well as some old parts of the town.

This is a huge catholic church. It used to be a muslim mosque, but became catholic when christians overtook the town a long time ago.

This picture was in the church and is really interesting because it is really old and it is the only picture in (I think spain) that portrays Jesus as a woman!


These are all random scenes from Ronda. It is such a beautiful place with so much history.

These are all from a really cool walkway that goes around the west side of Ronda and a beautiful little park that is right next to it.

The view is absolutely amazing. These are only a weak representation of the vast expanse of mountains and countryside that surround Ronda.

There are a bunch of big bird cages in the park. I thought they were pretty weird, but still kind of cool.

This was in the beautiful little park. These two pigeons were doing some kind of "mating dance" because the male was all puffed up and going in circles around the female!

I love you all! Have a great day!

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