Thursday, December 08, 2005

Good morning everybody!
Finally we got some actual snow!! It has been ssooo cold here the last week or two. It's really funny walking around campus because we are all so cold that we bundle up in lots of layers from head to toe, so only our eyes can be seen. It's like a bunch of eskimos walking around. It makes it hard to recognise people! Last night Erin and I went to Yoga and the teacher asked us if we might be interested in getting our Yoga liscences and maybe be able to teach it starting in the summer. Isn't that cool!! I really hope it works out. After Yoga we were going to go to Panera and do some studying but the roads were so bad and it was so cold that we just decided to go back to the dorms and study there. I am so ready for finals to be over and christmas break to start!
Well I have a crossword that is calling my name!
I love you all!

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