Friday, October 07, 2005

Katie wants a Corgi!

Someday I think I would like a little corgi or two....just like the artist Tasha Tudor has. I finally met one in person in a little shop in Bristol - she was so cute and loving and a good little watch dog too. They have a cutest little ears and so funny with no tail. And just look at those eyes!!! No wonder Tasha painted them all the time! of the moment I can't afford it cause they start at $600. Hmmm....
But Stirling and Simone are so great, why do I even want a dog anyway! :)
Sandy and I are cleaning up the house tonight and Sandy put up a new little light for me in the gallery hanging over my print table, so people can actually see what they are looking at! Makes a nice central point to the room too! It wasn't funny at the time, but when Sandy was about to hang it (its a light that hangs from a track from the ceiling on a cord) I told him to be really careful cutting the cord length, cause it was better too long than too short. I go minute later Sandys yelling about something and I find out that he cut the wire in the complete wrong place and now its way way too short! Hee hee, just like I told him not too! It was kind of funny, but not for Sandy because he had to rewire and tape together the cord - which could have been such a user friendly deal in the first place....and you all know how much Sandy doesn't like to waste time! It's great being married to this guy! :) Anyway....can't wait to see you all (or most of you :( ) on Wed!!!! Yahoo!!!!!!!! Love you all so much - Katie
PS: I found these cute-o pics of Corgis on a French site! Check it out if you want:

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