Wednesday, August 31, 2005

The New Look!

So here are three pics of the gallery. The lights are up, the floor is painted in the tuscan gold (although its hard to tell from these pics) and I've put up 2x4s all around the top edge of the walls to hang my paintings from. It's done! Now I just have to hang my work, and make it a little more comfortable looking! I would love to have a little loveseat in there or cozy chair. Betony, or anyone, I would love to put up some of your art too! It could be like a little family gallery. Anyway, it's raining today and I feel tired out and just want to curl up with a magazine or the news paper at the coffee house. I might do some painting today, or possibly clean up the house in time for Sandy's family coming on Fri. It's kind of nice to have a rainy day. I love you all so much! -Katie

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Good Morning!!

Hello everybody!!
Wow, it has been a while since I have been here! So many cool posts and pictures! I just finished a role of film so I will be posting them as soon as I get them back from Wal-Mart. It is 5:30 AM right now. Why, you ask am I up at this insane hour? Actually I had to start work at 3:00 AM and am almost done then I can retire to my glorious loft and sleep until my first class starts at 11:30. Ahhh..the wonders of dorm life! Everything is going good! I only have to work this yucky shift once a week which is nice. My other shifts are usually early evening. My classes are all pretty easy right now. I feel kind of bad because Erin, my roommate has an insane workload and all I have is some reading. However I am sure it will pick up soon and then I will be remeniscing about the good old days when I had no HW!!
Well, I am going to leave you now, and find some fun internet game to play for the rest of my shift!
Love you all!!!

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Happy Birthday Betony!!!!

Happy B-day Bet!!!! Hope you have a fantastic day!!!! This is a picture of a tulip that I took back in Dec in Kansas, hope it adds brightness to your day! Happy 22!!!! Love you soooooooooooooo much!!!! -Katie

Amazing waterway

I wanted to show you guys the Huntington Gorge - it's amazing! It's really close to the trail head of Camel's Hump, a nice little addition after a long hike. The river comes along and cuts an incredidle pattern of holes, twists, turns and shapes into the rock. It's just unreal! But its pretty scary as well because over the past years 12+ people have died there. But its really beautiful - I just don't get too close. :) Anyway, pictures are never as good as the real thing - you'll all have to come see it! Hope you all have a great day! - Katie

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Little Sophia

Aaron, Emily and Sophia came to visit on Sat night through Sunday morning. We loved having them - and Sophia loved chasing Stirling around the house - but she never could catch him.

The Tale of Two Leaves

I found these two leaves on the way up Camel's Hump when Steve, Sandy and I hiked it last week. I took the two little leaves all the way to the top, documenting their adventure all the way, until at the top they were set free into the wind. :)

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Bikers, builders, and more!

Here's some pics from my camera over the past month:
Willow and Lindsey gearing for takeoff

And they're off! all the way to Kanopolis lake from Little River!

Now its to Putnam hall dorm on the K-State campus where Willow and gang were assembling the most awesome loft! All other Putnamers will be pale lavender with envy! That's Dan up top (and Dan's shoe in trouble!), Willow's roomate Erin in the white top, and Amanda (with baby) in pink.

"Will post again tomorrow with "the more"!

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Moon House Art Blog!

I made a Moon House Art blog! Wow - it was so easy! Havn't added the details yet though. How do I invite other people to see it?

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

After the fact...

These are the pictures from the trip Lindsay G. and I took to see Bet and Tim! Yes, I know it has been over a month since we went to CO, but that is the joy of having a film camera!! My personal favorites are "Bet's Butt" and the "Walking Cones"!! There are also a few from my sailing trip with Catherine and of The Cheat on an easel!!

The Amazing Life of A Little Cat

Stirling relaxing on the bed at Aunty's house - getting ready for the big trek! See the wild look in his eyes!

Out on the land, what an adventure! So many walls to climb! So many smells to sniff!

Whew - what a long day - under the rocking chair is the perrrrfect place for me! Notice my expressive paws.! Look how much more I have to explore! (View from the fire tower on Spruce Mtn.).

Stay tuned for more from Stirling the great explorer and his amazing life as a little cat with a short tail and a long tale!

Saturday, August 13, 2005


Sandy and I are going to the Flindall family reunion today! Should be fun! Hope you all have a great Saturday!

Friday, August 12, 2005

My Little Ponies...

Guess what, the horses are out again! A couple of days ago I went out to give them water and Frosty and Midnight did not come up to the fence. Then they didn't come the next day either. Mom went out and they still didn't come and we both got kind of scared because she noticed that a poisenous plant (the one with the big leaves and purple berries) was hanging over their water and some of the berries coule have fallen in, except that Molly was still around. So we went looking for them and still couldn't find them. Finally we called Joleene and she was like "Oh honey, they've been running around with my horses! I thought you knew. Don't worry their not doing any harm!" I don't konw how long they have been there but she didn't even call us! So we went over to their house yesterday, she wasn't there but we walked all around her fields and still did not find them. So I guess we will call her later and maybe she can actually find them. Apparantly our horses have learned hot to disappear! bleecckkk...Well that is the latest of the horse epic from the Williamsons!
Tomorrow I am going on a way cool bike trip with Lindsay G. from Little River to Kanopolis. I will be updating shortly!

Wednesday, August 10, 2005


Hi guys! The Sandman and I are in Canada! It's really hot here too - tried to go for a run this morning down to the lake, but it was so hot I had to walk back. We finished Harry Potter this am. So sad! Anywayn hope this works....I'm still trying to figure out this whole blogging thing! Love you all! - Katie

Monday, August 08, 2005

Our Fab Fabulous Trip

Hello My lovely family,
Here are some pictures from our Trip. I have tons more...
The first ones are of Aunty's greenhouse, then NY, then vermont and etc.
Love you guys,