Saturday, August 22, 2009

So What Came . . . ?

The RAIN . . . pouring into the basement, pouring into buckets quickly placed under the "turned on faucet wall"
an evacuation took place . . .
and the next moring, look how the buckets were bulging . . .
This was the culprit . . . a backed up city drainage channel that poured through this opening, over the sidewalk and down the hill, into the front yard, and down into the basement.

More Star Pics

Lucy, the original snugglebug.
And these boppies are great for keeping me snug!

Lucy showing off her leggings!

Buttons and More

Here is Dad and Mary Wilder at the Armchair Auction booth at the National Button Convention in Denver. After three days there, we enjoyed an evening at Betony and Tim's where Peach Upside Down Cake got rave reviews! But Lucy of course was the star of the show!

All went to bed stuffed and happy with no premonition of what was to come . . .

Burlington, Colorado Carousel

How many years have we driven by Burlington, CO on I70 without knowing that this fabulous carousel is in the town - and you can ride it for only 25 cents!

The Geese and the Wilders and I went to the National Button Convention in Denver, and we stopped and rode the carousel going and coming!

Move In Day

Here are pics from the Lawrence apartment move-in day. All went very smooth with the rental of the Uhaul. I didn't get any pics of the actual move-in as it all happened so quickly!

Fired Up!

Pippin had quite a succesful kiln firing earlier this month.

Can you guess who was the recipient of all this lovely ceramic ware?!

Sunday, August 09, 2009

Story time and Zebra!

Story Time!

Holding Papa's finger makes it just that much better!

Yeah! This is my zebra!

Sometimes I'm not too sure what's going on!

Mmmm...sucking on my fist and holding my zebra!

whew....that was tiring!