Monday, October 22, 2007

A few art things

Phoebe with a new painting - she really tried hard to pose for this one!

A fancy new sit-upon for the gallery!

My redesigned screens for my art booth - this picture is from the Stowe art show.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Back in Sept....

Sandy and the crazy little chicken - at Shelburn farms

Sandy, Christy and Geoff on their visit down here in Sept. We hiked around Shelburn farm and had a great time!

Shelburn Barn

The Outback look

Cute little chicken run with their moving house

Chickens out on the lawn

Cool light

Looks a lot like Molly

Sunday, October 07, 2007


Pictures from Tim and my weekend in the mountains!


Drawings mummy sent from when I was little. I like the picture of willow.