Sunday, October 29, 2006

Dearest Gwynny

What a week for our dear animal friends and family.

Beautiful Gwynny of the big eyes, kindest soul and always-puppy-at-heart, friend of ours, passed away to the peaceful place on Friday. We will remember your romps through the woods, your contented sighs from the floor as we ate dinner, your beautiful sparkle and energy, how you loved to ride in the car and the elevator at the greenhouse, your never ending love for your family and your incredible beautiful soul of all souls. You will be forever missed, but more importantly forever loved in a special place in our hearts. Rest in your quiet place in this universe dearest Gwynny.

Friday, October 27, 2006


It is funny how things happen that suddenly make you so aware of the passing of time. I have so many memories tied to Molly. It will be so strange to come home and not have her warm silent presence there. I remember milking her early in the morning. The kittens would crowd around hoping for a squirt of milk. I remember the smells - the iodine wash, the barn smells, warm milk. I remember papa calling her and her slow saunter in to her stanchion. She was always so patient and motherly. When she was upset, she would gently put her foot into the milk bucket, or onto papa's lap. I loved how she would never leave the pasture unless she was in heat, and then would always find a way out. I remember finding her missing, and always knowing to go over to Keiths, because she had found a pal. I remember trudging through the snow day after day in the winter to bring her hay and water, and she would always be standing with a pile of snow on her back looking miserable. Seeing her so strong always made me re-evaluate my selfish thoughts of not wanting to be out in the cold. In the summer, she put up stolidly with millions of nasty flies. I remember her calves. All of which were taken away. When they were gone, she would bellow throughout the night. Some people will say that animals do not have souls, but when you looked into Molly's big brown eyes, you could see her spirit. We will never forget you Molly Blue Sky. Rest in Peace.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Molly Blue Sky

Molly Blue Sky, beloved family cow with her liquid brown eyes and gentle disposition, left us late evening of October 25 to graze in the endless and ever green pastures of the great blue yonder.
Molly, we remember how you always graced our pasture with your stately presence, a gentle giant of Jersey and Brown Swiss heritage. We remember how you treated the children to rides upon your back, allowing 3, 4, even 5 little Williamsons to sit up there at once. We remember the gallons and gallons of rich creamy milk you provided our growing family, and the lucious yellow butter we churned from your bounty. We remember the crunch of the apple in your jaw as you enjoyed your favorite treat. We remember the special place on your forehead where you liked us to rub and where our fingers ruffled your bangs. We remember the softness and feel of those wonderful ears. Molly, we remember you . . . always.

Sunday, October 01, 2006


My lovely halloweeny mantle and the painting I am working on for Home.
Love you all,